
Friday, May 6, 2011


This is an InkBlot . It actually reminds me of a Ballerina, my minds dont go many places but it is a nice picture and looks like a frog in the background.


This a picture of the Dada movement. One of the artist was the first to use collage that we know of. This shows the creativness and divirsity of their thoughts. These type of people thought outside of the box. This is an interesting picture because throught all of the different picture it actually blend alltogether to make it look like one. s


The project we previoulsy did in class was self-portrait. It was fun getting to see a different way of drawing and my ability to actually create something that looked nice. It was nice getting to draw someone else, because if I drew myself I would have contradicted the portrait. It was nice getting to learn how to make a picture drawing lines and making a grid. I can now maybe make  a portrait for my mom or something because it might mean something  to her.


I like this picture because it looks abstract but actually repersents something as a face. The face could be a picture of a dog outside enjoying the enviorment. This is a nice picture. I have seen this done but this particular picture just catches my eye. This shows various forms of art. It has colors, lines ,and texture.


This picture is by an artist by the name of Pam Hogg. I chose this  picture because it is very different and unique. It shows various amounts of art elements. One's such as color, a view of texture, and value. This a picutre of a women maybe channeling the 1950's Tv program. The colors may repersent the different segements of her life , different moods,and how she feels.  

#14 Previous Find

This Schedule is interesting to me because it is not the the typical 10:00 to 10:30 schedule. It say's 1:00 am I am still awake and 1:01 am you're still in my head. This reminds me of how I feel sometimes relating to a boy. It show how teenagers feel when they are up at night and parents are sleeping. This gives people a creative view of something new.